Training and Symposiums

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The MPRINT Hub, in partnership with our member institutions, holds regular seminars, events, and conferences, symposiums and much more! 

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2023 MPRINT Annual Meeting and Symposium

The Maternal Pediatric Precision In Therapeutics (MPRINT) Hub hosted its 2nd Annual Meeting and Scientific Symposium at the Ida and Cecil Green Faculty Club on the campus of UCSD from Wednesday, April 19 through Friday, April 21, 2023.

This meeting featured presentations from the IU-OSU DMKRCC, VICE-MPRINT, and UCSD MPRINT Center of Excellence in Therapeutics and welcomed representatives from prominent research networks and groups within the Maternal and Pediatric communities.

The 2nd Annual MPRINT Symposium & Meeting playlist

Read Highlights

An MPRINT HUB virtual workshop: Pharmacokinetic & Pharmacodynamic Study Design in the Postpartum Period workshop was conducted recently. 

Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic studies in the postpartum period should include consideration of both the mother and neonate.These studies are complicated by a number of factors including the rapid physiologic changes occurring postpartum in both mother and neonate; variability in delivery methods (e.g. C-section vs vaginal delivery); lactogenesis and breastfeeding; study feasibility/logistic issues; and ethical considerations. 

The MPRINT Pharmacometrics and Clinical Trial Design Core hosted this workshop to discuss issues associated with postpartum therapeutic studies to identify gaps in knowledge relating to postpartum PK/PD and provide recommendations to enhance the quality of studies in the postpartum period.

Access the virtual recording below.

The Inaugural MPRINT Annual Meeting & Symposium (2022)

In June 2022, The MPRINT Hub hosted its inaugural annual meeting. All sessions and presentations were recorded and can be viewed below.

The Inaugural MPRINT Annual Meeting & Symposium playlist